holistic (hō-lĭs′tĭk) In health care, a term used to describe treatments of the whole person: mind, body and spirit. lane (lān) A narrow road in the countryside or in a town. Susan and Andrew invite you to Holistic Lane, their natural health centre in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria. You may see either Susan or Andrew to address many of your health needs, in person or via video chat. Or enjoy the synergy of these wonderful therapies by booking both of them! We wish you well in your quest for greater health, happiness and vitality!
Susan is passionate about assisting her clients to live a better life. She has been a qualified Kinesiologist for over 20 years and is a member of the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA). Susan has continued to upgrade her qualifications through training and study in many of kinesiology’s modalities including Touch for Health, Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP), Kinergetics, Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), Neuro Organisational Therapy (NOT), Applied Physiology, Three in One Concepts (One Brain ) and Rhythm and Movement Training. Her kinesiology sessions incorporate the use of Tissue Salts, Aromatherapy, Bach, Australian Bush and Desert Alchemy Flower Remedies, Colour Therapy and Sound Therapy. Susan is also qualified in Ayurvedic Medicine and Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF Level 3) which add to create a very holistic healing approach. Susan commonly works to assist clients with stress, pain, insomnia, hormonal issues, child behavioural issues, relationships, self- discovery, resilience, dietary concerns and various chronic diseases. The scope of Susan’s training is extensive so in whichever area you would like assistance with, contact Susan to discuss your treatment options here .
Andrew has embraced homeopathy as a wonderful therapy for helping his clients with many of their health challenges. Since every client is unique, every client requires a unique solution and with thousands of remedy options, homeopathy provides that solution! Andrew is a qualified homeopath and is registered with the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH). He is a member of the Australian Homeopathy Association (AHA) and serves as the Secretary of the Victorian branch of the AHA. Andrew was formerly a research scientist (BSc. Hons Biochemistry) and so has a strong background in human biological sciences. Andrew is qualified in Ayurvedic Medicine which utilises diet, lifestyle and herbs to round out his treatment approach. As well, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is often used to help to establish the cause of any illness and provide solutions. Other therapies that Andrew employs are Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF), Infrared Sauna and Ionic Detox Foot Spa Therapy. Andrew sees clients of all ages with a wide variety of conditions, both acute and chronic, and ailments on physical, mental or emotional levels. His clients often require detoxification from many causes to assist with their healing. Give Andrew a call or send him an email to discuss how he can help you get back to a better and healthier you. Contact Andrew here .
Susan is passionate about assisting her clients to live a better life. She has been a qualified Kinesiologist for over 20 years and is a member of the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA). Susan has continued to upgrade her qualifications through training and study in many of kinesiology’s modalities including Touch for Health, Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP), Kinergetics, Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), Neuro Organisational Therapy (NOT), Applied Physiology, Three in One Concepts (One Brain ) and Rhythm and Movement Training. Her kinesiology sessions incorporate the use of Tissue Salts, Aromatherapy, Bach, Australian Bush and Desert Alchemy Flower Remedies, Colour Therapy and Sound Therapy. Susan is also qualified in Ayurvedic Medicine and Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF Level 3) which add to create a very holistic healing approach. Susan commonly works to assist clients with stress, pain, insomnia, hormonal issues, child behavioural issues, relationships, self-discovery, resilience, dietary concerns and various chronic diseases. The scope of Susan’s training is extensive so in whichever area you would like assistance with, contact Susan here.
Andrew has embraced homeopathy as a wonderful therapy for helping his clients with many of their health challenges. Since every client is unique, every client requires a unique solution and with thousands of remedy options, homeopathy provides that solution! Andrew is a qualified homeopath and is registered with the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH). He is a member of the Australian Homeopathy Association (AHA) and serves as the Secretary of the Victorian branch of the AHA. Andrew was formerly a research scientist (BSc. Hons Biochemistry) and so has a strong background in human biological sciences. Andrew is qualified in Ayurvedic Medicine which utilises diet, lifestyle and herbs to round out his treatment approach. As well, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is often used to help to establish the cause of any illness and provide solutions. Other therapies that Andrew employs are Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF), Infrared Sauna and Ionic Detox Foot Spa Therapy. Andrew sees clients of all ages with a wide variety of conditions, both acute and chronic, and ailments on physical, mental or emotional levels. His clients often require detoxification from many causes to assist with their healing. Give Andrew a call or send him an email to discuss how he can help you get back to a better and healthier you. Contact Andrew here
holistic (hō-lĭs′tĭk) In health care, a term used to describe treatments of the whole person: mind, body and spirit. lane (lān) A narrow road in the countryside or in a town. We wish you well in your quest for greater health, happiness and vitality!
Susan and Andrew invite you to Holistic Lane, their natural health centre in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria. They are specialists in kinesiology and homeopathy and other holistic therapies that can address many of your health needs. Therapy sessions can be held in person or via video chat.